Ninth International Geostatistics Congress, Oslo, Norway
June 11 – 15, 2012

Theory 1 (TH1)

Session Chair: Xavier Emery & Grégoire Mariethoz


Sequential simulation with iterative methods
D. Arroyo, X. Emery, M. Peláez

Construction of binary multi-grid Markov random field models from training images
H. Toftaker, H. Tjelmeland

Multiple-point Geostatistical Simulation based on Genetic Algorithms implemented in a Shared-Memory Supercomputer
O. Peredo, J. M. Ortiz

Simulation of Petrophysical Property Trends within Facies Geobodies Modeled Using Multiple-Point Statistics
C Cavelius, S Strebelle, M Pyrcz




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